About Us
DSK Motion Pictures & Music, Inc. is a corporation with multiple subdivisions that include: a film/tv production company (DSK Motion Picture Studios), an artist management firm (DSK Management), recording studios, marketing development, merchandising and much more... It was originaly founded by Dominic Scott Kay & Cindy Sarno Kay in Los Angeles, CA and has now expanded to Nashville, TN. Our production company develops and produces films and music based reality TV. Additionally, our artist management firm represents a team of managers, artists and record producers.
Our Vision
Our vision here at DSK, Inc. is for our team of artist management and record producers to develop artists with extreme talent and originality and give them the opportunity to be marketed and released on as large of a scale as a major label, without shaping the artists into something that they're not. Most every label is required to "stay safe" based on not taking risks financially on artists that exceed the radio shaped format. It is our A&R team's goal to produce these artists in such a way, that their original, timeless and even classic sound is marketably accepted.